Handfasting Vows

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What vows are used for handfasting?

Handfasting Vows

Know now before you go further, that since your lives have crossed in this life you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive to make real, the ideals which give meaning to both this ceremony and the institution of marriage.

With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be handfasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers.

The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul's growth.

Do you still seek to enter this ceremony?

Yes, we seek to enter.

In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East. Communication of the heart, mind, and body Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun. The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South. Warmth of hearth and home The heat of the heart's passion The light created by both To lighten the darkest of times.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West. The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river The refreshing cleansing of the rain The all encompassing passion of the sea.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North Firm foundation on which to build Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives A stable home to which you may always return.

Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union. Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union.

I bid you look into each others eyes.

[Groom's Name], Will you cause her pain?
I May
Is that your intent?

[Bride's Name], Will you cause him pain?
I may
Is that your intent?

*To Both*
Will you share each other's pain and seek to ease it?

And so the binding is made. Join your hands
*First cord is draped across the bride and grooms hands*

[Bride's Name], Will you share his laughter?

[Groom's Name], Will you share her laughter?

*To Both*
Will both of you look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?

And so the binding is made.
*Second cord is draped across the couples hands*

[Bride's Name], Will you burden him?
I may
Is that your intent?

[Groom's Name], Will you burden her?
I may
Is that your intent?

*To Both*
Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?

And so the binding is made.
*Drape third cord across the couples, hands*

[Bride's Name], will you share his dreams?

[Groom's Name], will you share her dreams?

*To Both*
Will you dream together to create new realities and hopes?

And so the binding is made.
*Drape fourth cord across the couples hands*

[Groom's Name], will you cause her anger?
I may
Is that your intent?

[Bride's Name], will you cause him anger?
I may
Is that your intent?

*To Both*
Will you take the heat of anger and use it to temper the strength of this union?
We will.

And so the binding is made.
*Drape fifth cord across the couples hands*

[Bride's Name], Will you honor him?
I will

[Groom's Name], Will you honor her?
I will

*To Both*
Will you seek to never give cause to break that honor?
We shall never do so.

And so the binding is made.
*Drape sixth cord across the couples hands*

*Tie cords together while saying:*
The knots of this binding are not formed by these cords but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the cords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making of breaking of this union.

*Once cords are tied together they are removed and placed on altar*



11/3/2006 1:04:55 PM
ricki said:

I liked it and found it moving and will likley use it if my partner agrees

12/29/2006 9:03:04 AM
Cassiopeia Black said:

This Was easier for my new husband and I, since our wedding was held during the spring. It was more emotional than most other wedding forms. This is a very traditional form of matrimony and I sugguest it for a really romantic couple with no particular religious afilliations.

2/25/2007 6:30:56 PM
missmoose said:

My husband and used this at our wedding ceremony, and were very happy with how it turned out. Our families didn't know what to expect, and were very touched at this ceremony. Plus the knot is a great keepsake and reminder everytime we look at it about how special that day was.

3/25/2007 5:13:51 PM
Kristen said:

I feel that this is something that really cuts deep into the soul. Gets to the point without over doing it and is truely what love and marriage is reall all about.

4/30/2007 2:22:45 PM
Innos said:

I used these vows in a ceremony a few days ago, the couple loved it. I wish them luck for the rest of thier lives

7/15/2007 1:41:59 PM
Edward said:

I love it, My future wife found this and I am sure that we will either use this or a slight variation of this in our upcomming ceremony

9/29/2009 8:35:48 AM
julie king said:

i am having a handfasting next year on samhain unusual time i know but my personal favourite. it will be a total suprise to our families, we are not tellig anyone until a week or so before. at the pre wedding meeting the priestess went through the ceremony and it is so beautiful and meaningful, the guests will be amazed

6/13/2011 3:03:43 PM
RavenNight said:

I certainly hope that one day I will be handfasted in this way. It's so beautiful!

1/22/2012 10:57:42 PM
Samantha said:

Me and my fiancé plan on using this in our up coming wedding. Its such a beautiful bond<3

1/26/2012 1:24:25 AM
Tye Dye said:

Merry Meet,
This is wonderful . I look forward to using all or
part of this ritual for my upcoming Handfasting this July (bride to be willing) . Thank you .
Brightest Blessings


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