Turn Your Wedding into a Celebration

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Can you ask for something other than gifts?

Turn Your Wedding into a Celebration

Instead of signing up for items on your wedding gift registry, you can ask that in lieu of a gift purchase that they make a donation in your name to one of these favored charities. With 2.3 million Americans being wed each year, that's about 380 million wedding guests who can be asked to donate between $10 and $50 dollars to the listed causes.

If only 10 percent of all wedding guests respond to the wedding gift registry and donate $50 to one of your listed charities that's a potential $1.9 billion that could go to a good cause. A wedding gift registry that thinks of others before themselves is not a new idea, but it is a great one. So if you don't need new dishes or a fruit punch bowl and you aren't sure what you could ask for on your wedding gift registry, consider asking for help for causes that need it. It's a great way to turn your celebration of love into a celebration of compassion.



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