
How can I save money on my wedding?

Don? T van por la borda

It? S no es una buena idea ir por encima de su presupuesto o endeudarse para pagar su boda. Comenzando una vida de casados es una transición difícil como es, y con una deuda a causa de su boda sólo se suma a los problemas financieros.

Piense verde!

Para ahorrar dinero en sus flores, trate de usar más verde que florece en tu iglesia o Arreglos guirnaldas en los arcos, enrejados, etc helechos y enredaderas son baratos y fáciles de obtener, a veces de forma gratuita!


En general, el precio inicialmente citado para los servicios de la boda será alto. Tenga esto en cuenta y don 't tenga miedo de regatear. Diles abiertamente que usted pone? T intención de gastar mucho y usted se sorprenderá de las habitaciones que pueden hacer en lugar de perder una venta.

Mamá? S de la palabra

Si * realmente * necesidad de ahorrar dinero y aren? T miedo de un sneakiness poco, puede hacer muchas cosas (flores, salones de banquetes, etc) y sin mencionar la palabra? Boda? puede ahorrar mucho dinero. Los precios van hacia arriba cuando las flores están? Flores de la boda? en lugar de? flores fiesta? o? flores reunión.?

Mes baratos para casarse

El porcentaje de parejas que se casen va camino * * en el invierno. Con la excepción de diciembre (todas las bodas de vacaciones!), De noviembre a marzo ¿no? T mes gran boda --- usted? Ll gastar menos dinero si usted se casa durante la temporada baja.

Los vendedores y los presupuestos

Para seguir ajustados a su presupuesto, antes de reunirse con un vendedor, tener una idea aproximada de su gama de precio
y don? t reunirse con ese proveedor si usted sabe que? volver de su gama de precios. Cuando se encuentre con el vendedor, dígales a su presupuesto por adelantado para que puedan ayudarle a escoger entre las opciones que se quedará dentro de su presupuesto.

Recortes de costes Quickie: lista de invitados

En busca de lugares para reducir los costos? Un buen lugar para comenzar es la lista de invitados --- puede que tenga que enfrentarse a la realidad de tener un tan-tan de la boda con todo el mundo y su hermano invitados, o la boda que realmente quieres con menos personas. Amigos cercanos y familiares suelen ser shoo-ins, pero lo que realmente necesita para invitar a todos los de tu papá? S hermanos de la fraternidad de la universidad? A menos que sus padres están pagando la factura completa, trate de mantener a los invitados? Que no deben faltar.?

Cortar el (torta) los costes

Si su presupuesto es apretado pastel, considere la eliminación de algunas o todas las siguientes, que suelen añadir a los gastos de la torta: rellenos de fruta, hielo pasta de azúcar, flores de azúcar hechos a mano, en el fondo (en lugar de pastel), colores, formas únicas.

Corredor Runaway

A menos que su iglesia proporciona de forma gratuita, considere saltarse la compra de un corredor. ¿Ellos? Volver a menudo resbaladizo, se desgarran con facilidad y puede hacer que la gente viaje.

Zapato de ahorro

Para ahorrar dinero para los chicos? vestimenta, debe solicitársele que utilice sus propios zapatos de vestir en lugar de alquilarlos en la tienda de esmoquin. Costará menos y seré más cómodo?.

Las damas de honor con un presupuesto

Si de verdad quieres las damas de honor del diseñador? los vestidos que cuestan $ 300 +, a ver si usted puede conseguir una costurera para copiar el diseño. A menudo, el costo será de sólo la mitad de los vestidos de diseñador.

Recortes de costes Quickie: alimentos

¿Busca una manera rápida de reducir los costes? Intente cambiar a la recepción de la cena a un almuerzo, un cóctel por la noche o la recepción de postre --- puede tomar una parte considerable descuento del total de su recepción.

Cambio del día

Si estás en un presupuesto apretado, considere la posibilidad de su boda en cualquier momento, pero en una tarde de sábado. sábados por la noche son generalmente los más caros cuando se trata de salones de banquetes, catering, etc Usted? ll ahorrar mucho por tener la boda en otra por la noche o incluso durante la mañana o la tarde.

Anterior flores

Si estás corto de dinero, trate de cortar todas las flores, pero la más importante (como la novia? S ramo) y el uso de velas en su lugar. Cuestan menos y dar bodas un ambiente increíblemente romántico.

El recorte de ropa

Si quieres ahorrar dinero en todo el atuendo, que el novio y los padrinos llevar su propia ropa ---- trajes oscuros funcionan bien para las bodas informales y formales.

Los costos de corte central

En lugar de utilizar Arreglos de flores costoso para los centros de recepción, el sustituto de flores en maceta o flores cultivadas en cestas forradas de musgo --- si planea con anticipación, usted puede crecer usted mismo!

Dress for Less

Usted puede conseguir excelentes precios para un vestido nuevo, si usted compra una de una novia que al final no casarse. Visite la página Web, los periódicos locales y tiendas de partida para los vestidos de nunca usar a buen precio.

Límite de las criadas

Si estás en un presupuesto apretado, trate de limitar el número de asistentes. Esto reducirá su factura de ramos de flores (la dama de honor puede ser muy caro), el número de regalos que conlleva que se tendrá que compra y el coste de un almuerzo de dama de honor y la cena de ensayo.

Al mercado, al mercado

Con un presupuesto realmente ajustado de flores? Pídale a su florista hacer? Mercado? especial en la que va en el día de / antes de tu boda y utiliza lo que sea? s en especial / venta para ese día.

Vestido de cortadores de costo

Si usted don? T con un presupuesto vestido grande, considere alquilar un vestido de tiendas que también llevan trajes de alquiler, etc Esta es una buena opción práctica si? No son sentimentales y don? Importa no mantener el vestido que? Re in casados

Boda Frequently Asked Questions

How can I save money on my wedding?

How can I get ready for my wedding day?

What should I consider when planning my hairstyle?

How do I deal with my short hair?

What can I make myself for the reception?

What type of centerpiece should I have for my wedding?

How can I save money on centerpieces at my wedding?

How should I wear my hair for my wedding?

How can I make sure my hair looks good all day long?

How can I budget my wedding?

What can we give as favors?

What games can we play at the bridal shower?

How can I save money on my wedding flowers?

How can I save money on a wedding gown?

How should I deal with my hair in the months leading up to my wedding?

What creative favors can we give at our wedding?

How can we cut costs for our reception?

How can I stick to my wedding fitness plan?

How should I plan the reception?

How should I plan the wedding reception order?

When should I begin to plan my wedding-day makeup?

How can I save money on food?

Why should I choose a wedding theme?

What Bible reading can we have at our wedding?

Should I have my hair dome for my wedding?

Should I have my hair done for my wedding?

How can I relieve wedding planning stress?

How do I plan my wedding makeup?

How can I save money on decorations?

What reading could I have at my wedding?

How can I reconnect with my fiance?

How can I prepare my nails for my wedding?

How can I save money on my bridal beauty?

How should I decorate for my winter wedding?

What should I do when planning my wedding?

What African customs can we use in our wedding?

What should I bring to my wedding for emergencies?

How can I dress my bridesmaids?

What should I do before choosing a wedding florist?

What creative edible favor can I give?

What should I consider when shopping for a wedding gown?

Where can I get wedding song ideas?

What´s a good pre-wedding fitness plan?

What type of wedding cake should I get?

How can I save money on wedding invitations?

How do I choose a theme for my wedding?

What favors can we make ourselves?

What Scripture could I use for my wedding?

What kind of hosiery options do I have?

How do I pick bridesmaids´ dresses?

How do you plan a rehearsal dinner?

How can I decide what kind of wedding cake to get?

How can I save money on my wedding cake?

Who should pay for a wedding?

What song can we play for our first dance?

What are the best man´s duties?

What do I consider when looking for a reception venue?

What flowers should I use in my bouquet?

What kind of edible centerpiece can we make for our wedding?

What should I think of when choosing dresses?

What kinds of wedding bouquets are there?

How can I save money on attire?

How can I save money on my wedding bouquet?

How can I include my bridesmaids in my planning?

How should I decorate the reception venue?

What music should I play during my wedding ceremony?

When do I send out announcments?

How can I keep my wedding plans realistic?

How can I buy bridesmaids´ dresses on a budget?

How many attendants should we have for our wedding?

What themed favors can we give?

How can we break the ice at the wedding shower?

What should I know about getting a marriage license?

Do we put a deceased parent´s name on the invitations?

Do we put wording for weding invitations on deceased parents?

What bridesmaid dress looks good on everyone?

What if we don´t have an even number of bridesmaids and groomsmen?

How can we make handling our wedding-related finances easier?

How can I pay less for wedding services?

How can we make sure children behave well during our ceremony?

How can I save money on my flowers?

How can the groom prepare for the wedding?

Should I take out a loan to pay for my wedding?

What kind of veils are there?

What should I consider when choosing a veil?

How do we choose a wedding date?

What should I consider when having alterations?

What song can we play for the cake cutting?

How do I address invitations?

How do we address invitations to people with different last names?

What are a few scriptures to use at a wedding?

How do I keep my lipstick from coming off?

What kinds of wedding flower arrangements are there?

What kind of shower should we have?

What type of elegant wedding centerpieces should I have for my wedding

What type of wedding flower centerpieces should I have?

In a Jewish wedding, who carries the huppah?

What Chinese wedding traditions are there?

What kind of headdress options do I have?

How can we save money planning our wedding?

When do we divvy up the wedding costs?

What makeup should I wear for my wedding?

How should I prepare for shopping for my bridal gown?

Does photography play a part in what kind of makeup I should wear?

What lipsticks won´t kiss off on my wedding day?

What kinds of veils are there?

How can I buy my dress on a budget?

What kinds of wedding bouquets are there?

What do I consider when choosing a cake?

How can I be a good bridesmaid?

What centerpiece can we use for the reception?

What kind of bachelor party should I throw?

What do I put on top of my cake?

How can I spend less on flowers without making the bouquets smaller?

What type of gown should I buy?

What kind of gown can I wear for a winter wedding?

What type of rehearsal dinner should I have?

Who should pay for the travel & lodging of an out of town attendant?

How do I choose invitations on a budget?

What headdress options do I have?

How can I save money on bridesmaids´ dresses?

How do I prepare for making a toast at the reception?

What should we remember to do the morning of the wedding?

What are some decorating ideas for wedding?

How do we plan outdoor wedding receptions?

Do we have to have attendants at our wedding?

What creative candy favor can we give out?

What kind of veils are there?

How can I save money for my wedding?

How can we be creative with our wedding vows?

How can I make my own invitations?

How can I save money on wedding invitations?

What kind of bar/alcohol options do we have?

How can I save money on a cake?

What kind of transportation should I use for my wedding?

How do I make a wedding program?

What can we do instead of giving favors?

How do I do wedding event planning?

How can I cover my tattoo for my wedding?

What Italian tradition can we use in our wedding?

Who can we have as ushers?

How can we package our wedding favors?

What kinds of hosiery are there for my wedding?

What accessories go with the men´s wedding attire?

How can I save money on the ceremony?

What should I consider when buying a wedding gown?

How can I make my own veil?

What is the wording for invitations if the couple hosts the wedding?

What kind of trains are there?

What kinds of necklines are there?

How can I afford wedding photography?

What colors should I have for a summer wedding?

What about having wedding ice sculptures?

What type of wedding invitation styles should I get?

What type of wedding invitation should I get?

What poetry could I use as a reading for my wedding?

What are some thoughtful wedding favor craft ideas?

What thoughtful favor can we give our guests?

How do I make homemade Weeding Annoucements?

How do I make homemade Wedding Annoucements?

What is the wording for announcements if the couple is announcing?

What if I don´t want kids at my wedding?

What should I know about wedding flowers?

What kind of glove styles are there?

How can we make gift registry easier?

How do I honor a deceased friend at my wedding?

What is a Philipino wedding like?

What kind of hosiery options do I have?

What humorous reading can I have at my wedding?

What should I do for a bachelorette party?

What kind of creative shower can I throw?

How do I schedule my wedding and reception?

How can I have the bouquet I want on a small budget?

What quote can I add to my invitation?

What should I consider when thinking about my photography?

What quote can I add to my invitation?

Who pays for what for a wedding?

What is a mantilla veil?

How can I make my guests more comfortable at the reception?

How can I keep children entertained at my wedding?

How can I save money on flowers?

What can we give as creative wedding favors?

What ceremony wedding music should I play?

How do I write a wedding invitation?

Should I use ´and guest´ on the invitations to my single friends?

What collar styles are there for men´s jackets?

How do I choose a cake frosting?

What should the groom wear?

How can I make the best use of my flower budget?

How do you write an engagement announcement?

How do we announce our wedding in the newspaper?

What can I have engraved on my wedding ring?

What type of music should I have during a wedding reception?

What should I consider when choosing a baker?

How do we announce our wedding in the newspaper?

How do I choose wedding favors and decorations?

What are some good wedding reception food ideas?

How can I make my wedding toast unique?

How do we decide what favors to give?

How can we decorate the church or ceremony venue?

How can I make RSVPs easier to manage?

How can I make wedding announcements and invitations easier to manage?

How should I prepare for bustling my gown?

What are some flowers to use as wedding favors and decorations?

What is the wording for invitations if the parents are hosting?

How can I tell how much makeup to wear for my wedding?

Who should give a toast at a wedding?

What African American customs are there for weddings?

What do we do to get a marriage license?

What if the bride doesn´t want a typical shower?

What are some things that people can do at the wedding reception table

What vows are used for handfasting?

How can we save money on alcohol?

What creative things can we do at the shower?

What poem can I leave with the disposable cameras?

What song can I play for the father-daughter dance?

Should I have my wedding near a holiday?

How can I organize my wedding planning?

What size cake should I get?

What can we do to make the couple kiss?

What are some ideas for our guests at wedding reception tables?

When taking wedding reception photos, what poem can I leave with each

What are some good classical wedding music songs to play for the fathe

How do we address invitations to families with kids?

What kinds of decorations are there for wedding cakes?

How can I find a good seamstress?

What should I know about a videographer before hiring them?

What collar styles are there for men´s jackets?

What are some homemade wedding favor ideas using photos?

How can I do my wedding planning on a budget?

Where can I find sample wedding ceremonies?

When should I buy my wedding dress?

What do we consider when renting a limo?

How can I make my own chocolate bar favors?

How can I make my own inexpensive wedding favors?

Can I use chocolate as inexpensive wedding favors?

What are an usher´s duties?

What are some wedding vows and ceremony tips?

Isn´t sending out announcments just a call for gifts?

What is a poem we can read at our wedding?

What accessories should I wear on my wedding day?

How can I remember a deceased parent at a wedding?

What favors can we give at our wedding?

What should I make sure is in my contracts?

What are some wedding favor craft ideas?

How can I plan a wedding?

What themed wedding favors and decorations can we use?

Can I use candles as decorations for weddings?

What Bible reading can we have at our wedding?

Who do you invite to a wedding shower?

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