Wedding Videographers Details

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What should I know about a videographer before hiring them?

Wedding Videographers Details

Ask your wedding videographers how many cameras they use. Supply your videographer and photographer with the church or synangogue policies in regards to photography as some clergy have very specific rules. Ensure that your photographers comply with the policy to avoid interruptions of the service.



8/26/2009 5:50:03 PM
Adam from Skyline Videography said:

Many people say that they never watch their wedding video or have only seen it a couple of times. Usually, this is because one static camera just can't absorb everything going on during the ceremony. It's also extremely dull to watch. Having two cameras not only captures emotions and details better, but it makes your day enjoyable to revisit time and again. Also, having an additional camera present ensures that in case of technical error or bad situations (like the minister forgets the people to sit down!) you will always have the other camera as back up. Go with a two camera shoot - it's worth the extra money!


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