Gags And Gadgets As Bridal Shower Gifts

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Where can I find great gag gifts to use as bridal shower favors?

Gags And Gadgets As Bridal Shower Gifts

Whoever said girls were made of sugar and spice and everything nice didn't meet my friends. It's too easy to fall into the tried and true traditional bridal shower favors when there's a whole world of gadgets and gags out there! These days, you can buy anything from a swearing parrot to pole dancing kits. If traditional bridal shower favors are completely out of the question, consider the following unique bridal shower favors:

1) Pink drill set

2) Humorous tee-shirts (pre-made or DIY)

3) Funny undies/panties

4) Squirt Guns

5) Silly String

6) A subscription to Playgirl or a calendar

7) Caricature drawings of either the bridesmaid or the bride and groom. Get photographs and

take them to a local artist, someone who specializes in caricature drawings.

It's easy to find stores that sell gag gifts. If there isn't one near where you live, do an Internet search using keywords like “funny gifts” or “gag gifts” to give you an idea of what's available, prices, etc. Sometimes the things you see online inspire your to create your own homemade bridal shower favors. The key to pulling off gag gifts is knowing your bridesmaids. If there's one who you know is going to be offended, be careful in what you give as a bridal shower favor. Otherwise, the bridal shower gift is only limited by your imagination.



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